App Review: D2L Binder App

No Wi-Fi? No Problem!

We’ve all been there: remembering an assignment or reading at the last minute with no d2l-binder-appway to connect to Wi-Fi. I mean I know I’m not the only one that only every once in while (wink, wink)  forgets about assignments. For instance, last year over Thanksgiving break my family and I went to my cabin to celebrate for the long weekend and life was great until the eleventh hour.

Now if you’re anything like me, your mind completely wipes away any school-related thoughts the minute your last class lets out for break. So it wasn’t until Saturday night that I finally took a break from eating leftovers and remembered the paper that was due in my Psych class the following night. Panic set in when I realized I had no Wi-Fi and no access to D2L for the assignment sheet and article. So the next morning I rushed everyone home so I could have Wi-Fi to quickly read, research and write an essay- not my best work ever, and not the happiest family ever.

This year I won’t make that mistake again. Now that I have the D2L Binder app downloaded on my iPad, no Wi-Fi means no problem! All I have to do is, while connected to Wi-Fi, take the minute to download documents right from D2L into the app, which is not nearly as tedious as it sounds. Once the document is in the app I can disconnect from Wi-Fi and still have easy access to D2L documents literally anywhere anytime!


The app lets you organize documents, articles, PowerPoints… anything you can download from D2L. You can organize them by binder-screen-shot-2class, project or in any way that is easiest for you. You can highlight, underline, mark up, or simply just read them without the pressure of lugging around a laptop or worrying about Internet access. Although you can’t type directly into documents, you can type into sticky notes and place them right on a document. This is an easy and organized way to make notes on your readings, keep track of your annotations, and avoid worrying about losing them in the shuffle of all your notebooks and papers. Which makes this app ideal for lengthy readings.

With Thanksgiving break coming up, it is likely I will stuff myself with turkey and mashed potatoes before giving a single thought to homework. With that in mind, all I have to do to avoid the panic of last year is before break starts, grab my iPad, download my D2L documents and be on my merry way.

annas-headshotAbout the Author:

Anna Hanson is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and looking for a minor that sparks her interest. She is infatuated with people and traveling. After graduation, Anna is seeking a job that allows her to interact with and help people around the world. Anna has been writing for eWazoo since 2016.

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